Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is it possible to have a bilingual or even a multilingual country by 2020?

We've had a big deal of English and Spanish influences in our country for many years (and I'm not talking about the yankees yet). What about our aborigins? Have we ever learnt something from them? Have we studied their culture, religion and language? Many of our fellow citizens have amerindian blood running in their veins. Have we paid respect to this, any time in the past? Have we honored them or repaired any offense commited unto them in the past? I think we still have much to do about this issue. In my personal opinion, they are not fully integrated or at least respected as what they really are: Citizens of this beautiful land and actually, the ones who fought from the beggining against the cruelty and ignorance of the Spanish conquerors, thirsty of gold, honor and souls. Their abuses were unspeakable against our Amerindians. Yet, we speak Spanish as our mother and first tongue, but we don't have Mapuzugun or Aymara as second language. Why not? We've been thinking about English as a foreign language for Chile but, what about the rest of the languages spoken in our country? Nobody cares about that, as usual. 

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