Saturday, March 14, 2020


Chile is not the same country anymore. At least our perceptions and definitions of being Chilean have mutated. Now, our country is constantly evolving, changing. Uncertainty is the only certain thing in actuality. But at the same time, this situation displays great opportunities to build a brighter future. Chileans are optimistic, even when it doesn't seem to be like that. We've survived earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc. Diverse natural disasters have beaten our nation throughout the years. And here we are.

Nowadays, we are currently experiencing what people call "a social awakening" or "outbreak". On October 18th 2019, a new kind of earthquake hit the nation. But this time, its epicenter was in the hearts and minds of millions of Chilean citizens, who got sick of 30 (and more) years of injustice, inequality and horrible living conditions for most of the population in this long and narrow land. A blissful copy of Eden, as our national anthem says. How ironic.

Poor salaries for more than 70% of the lower socioeconomic class; awful situations in the health system, including long lines, lack of resources and minimum conditions for public hospitals, etc. A privatized retirement system with precarious pensions for retired workers and elderly people, together with a very backward public educational system, also deprived of resources and infrastructure. All of these elements have outpoured a sort of public anger which is still flowing from within us.

All of these social disadvantages previouly mentioned, have led people to create chaos in the streets, riots and destruction of public and private property; together with this, the civil disobedience has made the current government to show its ugliest face; supressing civil rights, demonstrations, and protests with the worst methods: killing citizens, hurting and mutilating political activists, arresting demonstrators, beating up and abusing the Chilean people everywhere, making President PiƱera the worst president in the history of our country; an unworhty clown, a ridiculous laughing stock, quite similar (or even worse than) to a banana republic leader and third world dictator. Pity on Chileans. Pity on us.

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